WSSC Water Replacement Planning

McKissack & McKissack performs civil engineering tasks for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) in Montgomery and Prince George's County, Maryland to aid the agency in replacing existing water distribution and transmission mains, pump stations and wastewater facilities and planning for new equipment and facility needs. The WSSC is planning all work associated with preliminary design efforts. The scope of work includes development and evaluation of alternatives, field investigations, cost estimates, permit requirements, project scheduling, property searches, preparation of easement/property plats and deeds for conveyance, preparation of preliminary plans, profiles, and sections, and assistance with community outreach efforts. McKissack is responsible for hydraulic modeling, inspections and pipe condition assessments for small and large diameter pipes and field inspections..
The WSSC is planning all work associated with preliminary design efforts. The scope of work includes development and evaluation of alternatives, field investigations, cost estimates, permit requirements, project scheduling, property searches, preparation of easement/property plats and deeds for conveyance, preparation of preliminary plans, profiles, and sections, and assistance with community outreach efforts. McKissack is responsible for hydraulic modeling, inspections and pipe condition assessments for small and large diameter pipes and field inspections.


Montgomery and Prince George's County, Maryland


Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

Project Type

Program & Construction Management



Water Resources & Hydrological Modeling and Optimization
Assessment & Inspections

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